Downtowners: The Cutting Edge Skate Night!
Downtowners! It has been a year since we gathered for the Beat the Winter Blues Party. We are thrilled to partner with the Edgewater for a skate and firepit night! Please safely join us for fellowship, fun, and a chance to skate by the lake. It is only $7 an hour to rent skates, and we strongly encourage attendees to purchase food and beverages. Our downtown assets have struggled mightily, and we need all of us to band together to bring back our vibrant downtown in a safe and responsible manner. Your RSVP is very critical! Due to safety and County restrictions, we need to track the number of attendees.
Please RSVP here and if you wish to skate email: Crystal Zuniga CZuniga@theedgewater.com with your size and intent to skate. If you just wish to attend and hang by the fire and network, we also need to know. Please be accurate with your RSVP status!!!!!!!
Thanks and hope to see you all Feb 25th.