Hark! The Holiday Happy Hour
The Downtowners Social Club Holiday party is upon us! Come celebrate with your favorite Downtowners or meet new people and have a “cup of cheer”! We’ll have a photo booth by Avid Risk Solutions, drink specials, free pizza by the Brink Lounge, prizes and Music by the Madison Jazz Orchestra. Also in the spirit of the holidays we have teamed up with the River Food Pantry for DOWNTOWNERS GIVE!
Help the River give HOPE, Helping Other People Eat this year by donating a small about that will go to feed families in need.
We will be preparing and serving a four-course lasagna dinner January 24, 2020 at the River Food Panty Kitchen, We are looking for 20-25 volunteers to help make the sauce, the garlic bread and big pans of lasagna and then serve it approximately 200.
Signup sheets and reps from the River will be there so you too can give back to those in need this holiday season.
Now that’s something to really HARK about!