Tornado Patio Party
For July we will be doing a streatery Patio party at the Tornado. Come enjoy one of Madison‘s most iconic establishments! We will be on their patio enjoying an evening in Madison. Tornado will also be providing waitstaff to serve our tables! In the event of inclement weather, we will be downstairs in the Corral room. We will hopefully have some surprises for you to add to the entertainment. As always, all are welcome.

Featured Artist: Mushka
Growing up in southern Wisconsin, Mushka was fortunate to have friends and family support his journey in the Arts. After having transplanted himself to the dreamy Caribbean, Boston and New York, he is now back home in Madison, where he volunteers for the MMoCA and continues Life Drawing investigations on the UW Campus. Mushka is also passionate about the Theremin, conjuring magical melodies from the ethers…Show Tunes, Classical Music and Science Fiction on the street and providing workshops, raising funds toward kids with cancer.
“The creative adult is the child who survived.”
~ Ursula Leguin